Friday, August 12, 2011

Ohhh Milhouse, Milhouse, Milhouse

I love the Simpsons. It's my favorite TV show; I even like it better than The Colbert Report- and that's saying a lot. My sister and I probably have a good deal of the episodes memorized by now actually. We have about four or five seasons on DVD that we'll pop one into the TV whenever we have any spare time :]

My absolute favorite Simpsons character has got to be Milhouse van Houten. I mean, just look at the guy, he's seriously such a goof. I can't get over his "hhhhHHHEEEY Bart!" ha ha ha. If you watch the show, you know what I mean. Every episode he's in just becomes that much funnier.

This is a clip from the episode "Mom and Pop Art". Homer floods the town in an attempt to create a modern work of art. This is a classic Milhouse line ha ha ha.

Guess who likes you??

HA HA HA HA! This poor kid . . he's just so uncoordinated.

I would date him. Definitely.

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