Monday, August 15, 2011

Black Keys & Foster the People

I was deciding between posting "Howlin' for You" by the Black Keys and "Houdini" by Foster the People. I then realized that I can just post both haha. You've probably heard of one, if not both of these songs; they're quite good :]

From what I gather, the album "Brothers" does not capture the true essence of "The Black Keys" haha, whatever that means. Regardless of whether or not the album is a good representation of the The Black Key's body of work, I still think it's awesome.

I must admit
I can't explain
Any of these thoughts racing
Through my brain
It's true
Baby I'm howlin' for yoooou

 I think this song hit the radio at one point in time actually. It's made me look more into Blues Rock, which is pretty dang cool.

Foster the people released their first album, Torches, earlier this year, (I think January or February?) and It's a ton of fun. This is currently my favorite track: Houdini. 

When I feel kinda bad and I'm all distressed
Pass if off on a better day
Well you got whatcha want whatcha never knew
Perfect gift from me to you
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

I think Foster the People is a good example of just how much fun Indie-pop can be haha; I'm a dork and like to blast this album in my car when I'm driving home. 

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