Saturday, August 20, 2011


After a long hard day at work assessing the damage of a Chinese cyber-attack (I wish I was making that up) I went home and decided to start up my good old Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game. Now it's 3am . . . and I just beat Chapter 9. . .

The story revolves around Ike, (you may have seen him in Super Smash Bros Brawl) a blue-haired, sword wielding, mercenary who's traveling around the country with his army. Seriously, do I even have to give any more of an explanation to prove how awesome this game is?! 

If you haven't played any Fire Emblem games before, I'm not really sure how to explain them. They're like chess . . . but not really haha. More like a grid-style strategy fighting game. . . so yeah . . . it's kind of  nerdy . . . IN AN AWESOME WAY!!

So what is it that makes Fire Emblem so awesome you ask? Well, you have like fifty million people that join your team in the game- and you can pick and train your favorites. Speaking of favorites- HERE ARE MY TOP AND BOTTOM 3!

#1 Soren

Is that a girl? Actually- no, it's just a very girly looking guy! Soren is the first and by far the BEST magic user in the game. He may look feminine, BUT HE MOWS DOWN EVERYTHING IN HIS PATH ONCE HE GETS GOING!

He's also kind of a jerk, which just makes me like him more haha. When the other characters are saying stuff like "We shouldn't hand over the princess to the bad guys! It's not right!" Soren is like "Pfft you guys are losers- let's hand her over so we can get paid."

He also sports some pretty trendy sandals.

#2 Boyd

Boyd has an axe. And that's pretty much all you need to know about him.

Later on in the game when he hits his class change (he changes from "fighter" to "warrior"), you can also give him a bow- making him twice as much fun to fight with. 

Also after his class change, he starts wearing a helmet with like a fur-hood thing around his shoulders.

I don't think you can get much better than that.

#3 Gatrie

Gatrie would probably be my 2nd favorite if he didn't ditch you like 1/8th of the way through the game. The guy is a human tank.

As a knight, Gatrie is suuuuuuper sloooooow. However, all you have to do is send him off into a crowd of enemies and he'll beat the heck out of them in a matter of minutes. YOU CAN'T BUY THAT KIND OF POWER!

After he ditches you, he comes back like 10 Chapters later . . .


# 3 Rolf

Rolf. Stinks. I mean, c'mon, the kid's name is ROLF. With a name like that, you already know you're going to have problems.
If you work with him, he can actually turn out to be a pretty good archer/sniper, but the catch is that YOU HAVE TO WORK WITH HIM A LOT. 

He's actually Boyd's little brother. He's basically a crybaby at the beginning and even though he decides that he wants to be tough and fight like his brother- I still think he's a waste of space haha. 

Look at those stupid green shorts . . . pfft, they're so stupid . . .

#2 Astrid

Whyyyyy? WHY does Astrid think she can fight?! She starts out at like level 1 when the rest of your team is at 19 or 20! You can even work with her to help her catch up- and she's STILL terrible!

Thing is, if you don't recruit Astrid, you can't recruit the super-amazing Gatrie. 

If I remember right, she's some kind of princess or rich girl or something who decides she wants to fight with your team. 

It just goes to show, if you're not good at something, just give up while you still can.

#1 Makalov

I. HATE. MAKALOV. From his Ronald McDonald pink frizzy hair to his ugly horse with its horse-bowl-cut. He's not a good fighter AT ALL, and he's super annoying. 

My first playthrough I ended up killing him off in battle haha. I felt a little bad, but I was far enough in the fight that there was no way I was going to turn off the game and start over. . . especially for Makalov.

I think the real victim here is that poor horse.

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