Friday, September 30, 2011

Skrillex- Lyrics for Dubstep . . . IT IS POSSIBLE

Sooo some commercial I can't remember has a Skrillex song in it; I think it's the song "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites." Actually, I just checked and I was right hahaha.

Anyways, so I was on a Skrillex kick for a while after that and found someone online who actually takes the time to write out each individual sound in a dubstep song. Pretttty coooool. Heads up though, if you're epileptic- it seriously could break your brain. Whoo!

The song is First of the Year (Equinox). I'm in an intro to ELANG class and we're going over phonology and stuff; I got a kick out of the way this guy writes out sounds haha.

CALL 9 1 1 NAO!

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