Sunday, September 4, 2011


So my current gaming obsession is a little PS2 game called Rogue Galaxy. . . and yes, it's about space pirates.

YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Hahaha this game has all the elements to be drop dead amazing:

Over-dramatic story and poorly voiced cut-scenes? CHECK

Main character with an ugly hair-cut who's on a quest to save the world? CHECK

Annoying C3PO type character named "Steve"? CHECK

Suspicious eye-patch wearing bounty hunter who's loyalty is questionable? CHECK

A-bajillion different weapons, weapon upgrades, fighting abilities, fighting strategies and . . GUNS?! DOUBLE-CHECK

And if that doesn't sell you, there's an ex-military man/dog who has like an 8-pack and fights with a giant axe and a robotic machine-gun arm named Deego. 


I just finished exploring and conquering Vedan, the seedy/ghetto Mining Planet that's run by gangsters. Fortunately, if you have money, you can get along swimmingly with most everyone. See? This game even promotes good morals and behavior!

Seriously, what more could you want from a game that revolves around pirates . . . IN SPACE.

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