Thursday, October 27, 2011

Street Art; alive and well

If I ever had the creativity and guts to fuse artwork into an urban landscape- I'd definitely do it while wearing a pair of classic blacked-out aviator fashion goggles. Or maybe steampunk-styled goggles. Both sound cool.

Artist unknown

Artist: Phlegm
Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Artist: Fintan Magee
Location: Byron Bay, Australia

Artist: Liqen
Location:  San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Artist: C215
Location: Marseille, France

Artist: ROA
Location: The Gambia

Steampunk goggles aside- Street art isn't just something that Bansky cooked up a few years back. It's spread around the globe and has been thriving for centuries. My personal favorites are the pieces that just freak you out in some way (I am a Surrealist fan haha). For instance, check out the one below: 

Artist: Claudio Ethos
Location: Cologne, Germany

I mean, what's not to love? 
If you want to see more, check out

I think I spent an hour and a half there just scrolling through street art photos. It makes me wish I had some kind of substantial artistic talent haha.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Young Justice met Gorillaz


So I can't remember where I saw this, but dang I think it's great. I love Young Justice- Aqualad is the best thing that ever hit the planet (although he isn't above). Great Gorillaz spin-off haha.

I think what gets me is how well they got Robin to look like Murdoc.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yep- I still think Jackass is funny

I love Johnny Knoxville and his high-pitched crazy man laugh. He's gotta be my favorite of the Jackass crew; Bam is a close second, well, either him or Chris ha ha. This is a clip from the third movie that I got a kick out of:

I think what kills me is Knoxville's laugh. Ha ha ha oh man.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This American Life- Babies Buying Babies

 Just some good food for thought; sorry if you can't read the description they gave.

It's a pretty depressing story- but it's poignant.